I suppose that it's that time again - time to write another update on how I've been doing. Things have been B.U.S.Y. lately and a lot of exciting things have happened since my last post.
First and foremost - we are back in Utah! Moving to Washington for the summer was an inspired decision and a much needed break, but it is oh so nice to be back in Provo; we definitely feel that this is where we fit in and belong. Not only am I taking a few classes this semester, but for the first time in over a year I am a working woman again! I've been prepping and working from home all summer long, but this last week was my first dressing up and coming in for work as a Teaching Assistant for BYU's American Heritage course. I cannot even begin to express how much I love this job! I am so passionate about this subject material and just the fact that I am busy and have a schedule again fills me with so much joy! Other exciting news is that my awesome, hardworking, talented husband made it through the first round of application into the Industrial Design program. Only 40 people make it pass the first cut, and he was one of them! He now gets to take a set of design courses next semester and turn in a portfolio, where they will then take the top 15 students into the program. It is very competitive, but if you follow Sam's Instagram account, you can see a glimpse of how hard he is working to make it in. I am very proud of him and have every confidence that he's going to achieve his dream.
As great as it has been to be busy again, I am worried about the toll it's taking on my health. Being a working student requires a lot of physical and mental energy. I some how have been able to plow through this week without too much retaliation from my Lyme, but come the weekend I totally crashed. I'm worried that one weekend won't be long enough to recover for another busy week. Too much strain on my body can slow progress or even reverse it, so I do need to be extremely careful with how I proceed through this semester. Accounting for all my medical bills and the fact that I've been too sick to work for the past 15 months, things are quite a stretch right now to make ends meet. So even if it's too much of a burden for my body to be working and going to school right now, I don't really feel like I have a choice. We literally cannot afford anymore for me not to work, and I have to be taking at least 6 credits to keep my job, so we do what we need to do. Even though things are tight, we make it through alright because we pay our tithing, donate fast offerings, and communicate a lot about our budget and how to spend what we have. The Lord is good though and is watching out for us, so we make it through.
I sometimes get discouraged with how slowly I am progressing through school. I dread the question "how much longer do you have until you graduate?" because I honestly have no idea. Technically I'm a junior, so I should have two more years left, but with my health being as it is, it's going to take me much longer. Life is hard sometimes, but that doesn't have to stop me from being happy! I am so full of gratitude that God has blessed me with enough health to return to school and work at all, even though I have to take it slow. I have a husband to love and a God to praise - that's really all I need.
If you take anything away from this reading, remember to be happy. No matter your situation, there is always something you can smile about. God is good and has given us everything! The mere fact that we have air to breathe is attributed to him and his love for us. So smile, be happy, and live with a heart full of gratitude for him whom all good comes. Thank you for all the continuous love and support!
Much love,